IRS Deals with Backlog of Tax Returns and Notices: What You Need to Know
Just as other American businesses are struggling to stay open, the IRS too faces many of the same challenges. Managing a virtual workforce, social distancing, live telephone and online assistance to taxpayers are notable examples of how COVID-19 is impacting the IRS. So is opening the mail!
Notices are being generated when electronically filed tax forms are not matched up with unopened payments. You may have recently received or will receive one of these notices from the IRS regarding the tax payments you made in conjunction with the July 15, 2020 tax return or extension filing. If this is the case, here are a few things you need to know:
- If you mailed a check to the IRS, it may be buried in the backlog of mail the IRS is processing due to COVID-19. Payments will be posted as of the date the IRS received them rather than the date the IRS processed them.
- If you receive a notice and made a tax payment or extension payment in July, we encourage you to check your bank records to see if the payment cleared. Send documentation (along with the copy of your IRS notice) to your relationship manager at Mize. If you sent your payment using certified mail, please send us your tracking number.
- If your check has not cleared and you’re worried about penalties, don’t stop payment on the check or you could be subject to penalties and interest.
In addition, with a concern about confusing taxpayers who may receive multiple notices and correspondence, the IRS is temporarily halting mailed notices to taxpayers who have a balance due.