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Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber Security Tip of the Week

October 3-9, 2021

Tip of the Week: Avoid phishing scams, suspicious emails, and suspicious phone calls.

Phishing scams are a constant threat from cyber-criminals trying to trick you into divulging personal information like logins, passwords, and banking or credit card information. For more information on current phishing trends, click here.

October 10-16, 2021

Tip of the Week: Back up your data regularly.

This is the only guaranteed way to restore your data if you are a victim of a security incident. “Make and store—using either external media or a cloud-based service—regular backup copies of all valuable information residing on your device. Consider using a third-party backup application, which can simplify and automate the process. Be sure to encrypt your backup to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your information. Data backups are crucial to minimize the impact if that data is lost, corrupted, infected, or stolen.” – CyberSecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency.

October 17-23, 2021

Tip of the Week: Keep software updated.

Keeping software updated will ensure you have the most current security features installed. Review software settings to see if you can configure it to update automatically allowing you worry-free security.

October 24-30, 2021

Tip of the Week: Secure password management.

It’s easy to reuse the same password but doing so puts your information in a compromising position. Using a different password for each account will make it harder for cyber-criminals to access your information. Implement 2-factor authorization where possible. Use a password vault to help manage your passwords.




Better Business Bureau

Come back each week for a new tip to #BeCyberSmart.

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