September is National Preparedness Month: Are You Ready?
September is designated as National Preparedness Month, a reminder from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to set aside time to assess cybersecurity preparedness to help keep you safe from cyber-related events like identify theft, ransomware infection, data breaches and other potential tech challenges.
You’ll find helpful tips at Ready.gov/Cybersecurity to help you protect yourself against cyberattacks, what to do if you are attacked, and what to do after an attack. The website is chock-full of links to government agencies and other organizations to help you protect your technology and data.
The Ready.gov website also provides several resources to help your family plan for disasters or emergencies (Ready.gov/plan). One especially helpful document is a template for creating your own family communication plan (click here to be taken to the template).
While we certainly hope for the best (and not the worst), spending a few minutes to plan ahead can save you headaches down the road should a disaster happen.